有坂多絵子さんの和柄転写紙 Taeko Arisaka Japanese Pattern Decals




We sell decals with various patterns. It is fun that decals with only outlines can be colored with Western paints or Japanese paints. You can easily enjoy painting Japanese patterns. We will be able to send most items overseas. The price includes a handling fee Shipping postage will be charged separately.

染め付け風転写紙うさぎの巻』Decal of Blue and White Porcelain-Rabbits Version Sold out

A4 サイズ2枚組 税込2,200円 プラス送料







Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in) 2 piece set  

Price (including handling): 2,500yen 

Payment method: PayPal only 

Orders can be placed from the contact page.


Taeko Arisaka created decals with an old decal store in Arita. The decal uses transfer paper that sticks to the color of the paint of "dying", a technique that represents quality Japanese painting. She drew the lines by hand using Arita's techniques and created a sense of movement. This sheet is filled with rabbits, moon, waves, snow ring and surf patterns. The pattern of rabbits, moon and waves is one that resonates in the hearts of many Japanese people since ancient times. It is most commonly used as a pattern on dishes such as teapots and teacups. 


ユーチューブ動画 YouTube videos ・アトリエ風の色(Atelier Kazeno Iro) https://youtu.be/3ems5dJVL_U


推奨焼成温度:780℃  780~800度で焼成可能ですが、最適な温度は780度です。

Recommend Firing Temperature for Decals: Corn No. O16 / 1436-1472℉ / 780-800℃



  • 転写紙には黄色のカバーコートがついております。カバーコートは焼成時に焼き飛び、下の作品見本のように文様が青く焼き付きます。
  • 転写紙の保存は、高温多湿を避けてください。
  • 商用利用可能です。幅広くご利用下さい。


  • The surface of decal is covered by a yellow coating. The cover coat burns off during firing and the pattern burns blue as shown below.
  • Keep the decal away from high temperature and humidity.
  • This decal is available for commercial use. 

【作品見本 Sample Works】

線描き転写紙『宴(うたげ)の巻』Outline Decal - Feast Version  Sold out

A4 サイズ2枚組 税込2,750円 プラス送料








Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in) 2 piece set 

Price (including handling): 3,000yen 

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page


Includes patterns reminiscent of the Heian Period, used for Arita ware since ancient times, girls festival, and moon festival. This pattern was a part of the book "Blue and White Porcelain" written by Taeko Arisaka.


ユーチューブ動画 YouTube videos ・アトリエ風の色(Atelier Kazeno Iro) https://youtu.be/LIpSTKKcwxc





【How to use the outline decal】

  • First, fire the item using the outline decal, then paint inside of outline.
  • Can be used with either Japanese or Western Paint.
  • After painting, re-fire the artwork.

 Recommend Firing Temperature: Corn No. O16 / 1436-1472℉ / 780-800℃



  • 和絵の具の盛り絵の具(厚く盛り上げる絵の具)を使う時場合、花のシベや紐などの赤い線の部分に色の濃い絵の具をのせると、赤い線の柄が見えなくなってしまうことがありますのでご注意ください。赤い線の上は、厚く盛らずに使う上絵の具の赤が向いています。花びらのみ色を付けても綺麗に仕上がります。
  • 青い線の部分には、どんな絵の具を付けても綺麗に仕上がります。
  • 花のシベなどには色を付けない方が綺麗に仕上がります。画像をごらんください。
  • 下弦の月の姫の、黒のバックの部分には、金彩を施すと素敵な仕上がりになります。
  • 小皿や小鉢・徳利と杯・箸置きなど・・・自分だけの宴の器をセットでお作りいただいても楽しいと思います。 

【Words of Advice】

  • Red outlines: Be careful when using Japanese raised paint. When you paint the dark color over the red outline or motifs such as flower stems and/or strings, the original lines or motifs may not be shown. We recommend using the Japanese regular red paint instead of raised paint. 
  • This will not happen on black or blue lines, so you can paint over the blue or black lines.
  • If keeping with traditions, only the petals of the flowers should be painted. The center of the flower (stamen and pistil) should remain untouched as show in the pictures below.  
  • Consider adding gold on the black background of princess of the lower moon.
  • This decal can be used to make your own dinnerware sets. 





  • Keep the decal away from high temperature and humidity.
  • This decal is available for commercial use.


【作品見本 Sample Works】


【ワンポイントアドバイス Additional Word of Advice



Consider adding autumn flower in gold on the background of princess of the lower moon. By doing so, it enhances the artwork.

線描き転写紙『雅の巻』Outline Decal-Elegant Version  Sold out

A4 サイズ2枚組 税込2,750円 プラス送料









Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in) 2 piece set 

Price (including handling): 3,000yen

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page.


Created outline decal of motifs transmitted to Arita Porcelain from ancient times. Each motif or pattern contains a special meaning. 

  • Shellfish: Wishes happiness for the couple at the wedding or baby birth.
  • Paper strings: May happiness last a long time, succeed in life.
  • Circle of flowers: Wish match-making, belief in omens
  • Several lucky items: Carry fortune with the belongings of hermit.
  • Bell: Removing evil spirits or talisman.
  • Chrysanthemum: Praying longevity
  • Gourd: Descendants prosperity
  • Butterfly: Praying longevity
  • Deer: Wishing for fortune and longevity

ユーチューブ動画 YouTube videos ・アトリエ風の色(Atelier Kazeno Iro) https://youtu.be/Tvt0rrsQ_ho





【How to use the outline decal】

  • First, fire the item using the outline decal, then paint inside of outline.
  • Can be used with either Japanese or Western Paint.
  • After painting, re-fire the artwork.

 Recommend Firing Temperature: Corn No. O16 / 1436-1472℉ / 780-800℃



  • 和絵の具の盛り絵の具(厚く盛り上げる絵の具)を使う時場合、花のシベや紐などの赤い線の部分に色の濃い絵の具をのせると、赤い線の柄が見えなくなってしまうことがありますのでご注意ください。赤い線の上は、厚く盛らずに使う上絵の具の赤が向いています。花びらのみ色を付けても綺麗に仕上がります。
  • 黒の線と青い線の部分には、どんな絵の具を付けても綺麗に仕上がります。
  • 扇状の黒い線は、切り取って自由に貼り付けてご使用ください。色々とカットして扇状の窓枠を沢山作っても素敵です。画像をご覧ください。
  • 平安時代を思わせる文様の数々を使い、小皿や小鉢・徳利と杯・箸置きなど・・・自分だけの懐石の器セットをお作りいただいても楽しいです。

【Words of Advice】

  • Red outlines: Be careful when using Japanese raised paint. When you paint the dark color over the red outline or motifs such as flower stems and/or strings, the original lines or motifs may not be shown. We recommend using the Japanese regular red paint instead of raised paint. 
  • This will not happen on black or blue lines, so you can paint over the blue or black lines.
  • If keeping with traditions, only the petals of the flowers should be painted. The center of the flower (stamen and pistil) should remain untouched as show in the pictures below.  
  • Consider adding gold on the black background of princess of the lower moon.
  • This decal can be used to make your own dinnerware sets.

【作品見本 Sample Works】

白盛り転写紙 『花詰め』Raised Paste Decal-Filling Flowers  Sold out

A4 サイズ 1枚 税込1,760円 プラス送料




Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in) 

Price (including handling): 2,100yen per sheet

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page.


For those wishing to create a significant amount of raised paste effect, these decals allow individuals to create the raised paste look with ease. The decal design incorporates gloss and gradation which creates a very romantic feel.  

The white raised paste of the decal is white, please paint the base color in advance on your item. Since the design incorporates gradation from the edge of the flower to the base, by laying the decal over the base color, it will create depth within the flower, making some parts more visible and other parts more transparent. The decal allows individuals to create varying looks depending on the color used in the background.

We recommend the use of a decal softer over the decal in order to burn it firmly.


【作品見本 Work Samples】

白盛り転写紙 『牡丹』Raised Paste Decal-Peonies  Sold out

A4 サイズ 1枚 税込1,760円 プラス送料




Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in)

Price (including handling): 2,100yen per sheet

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page.


For those wishing to create a significant amount of raised paste effect, these decals allow individuals to create the raised paste look with ease. The decal design incorporates gloss and gradation which creates a very romantic feel.  

The white raised paste of the decal is white, please paint the base color in advance on your item. Since the design incorporates gradation from the edge of the flower to the base, by laying the deal over the base color, it will create depth within the flower, making some parts more visible and other parts more transparent. The deal allows individuals to create varying looks depending on the color used in the background. We recommend the use of a decal softer over the decal in order to burn it firmly.  


【作品見本 Sample Works】

古九谷様式牡丹文線描き転写紙 Outline Decal - Kokutani Style Peony  Sold out

A4 サイズ 1枚 税込1,650円 プラス送料



Size: A4 210 x 297mm (11.7 in x 8.3 in)

Price (including handling): 2,000yen per sheet

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page.

A representative pattern of Kokutani, 3 peonies large, medium, and small in A4 size.


ユーチューブ動画 YouTube videos ・アトリエ風の色(Atelier Kazeno Iro) https://youtu.be/YxS_yd_PHow 

連続文様 Continuous Pattern  Sold out

A3 サイズ 1枚 オリジナル価格税込2,200円を税込1,760円に値下げしました。プラス送料 残り僅かです。



Size: A3 430 x 290mm (17 in x 11.5 in)

Price (including handling): 2,000yen per sheet

Payment method: PayPal only

Orders can be placed from the contact page.

Only a few left



ユーチューブ動画 YouTube videos ・アトリエ風の色(Atelier Kazeno Iro) https://youtu.be/SeRIPkf9nr0 


【作品見本 Sample Works】